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EDU 914 Course Requirements & Grading Rubric

Course participants will maintain an on-going dialog with the online instructor throughout the course and will have the opportunity to request personalized assistance from the instructor or instructional support person if necessary.

Course participants will read the course content and explore the recommended web resources for each module of the course. They will maintain a logbook documenting their progress and will respond to reflection prompts at regular intervals throughout the course. Course participants will submit two projects at the conclusion of the course.

Course participants will post their reflection statements on the course web discussion board or to the course listserve. Their project assignments will be sent directly to the online instructor as e-mail attachments and will be archived on the course web site. All assignments will be monitored and evaluated by the online instructor.

EDU 914 Grading Policy

Course assignments will have the following point value:

Course Online Communication:
25 points possible

25 points: Course participant submitted e-mail messages upon completion of each of the course modules that included thoughtful reflections on specific web resources that would be useful in the course participant's classroom.
20-24 points: Course participant submitted e-mail messages upon completion of each of the course modules that mentioned web resources that would be useful in the course participant's classroom.
<20 points: Course participant will be asked to revise and resubmit the assignment.

25 points possible

25 points: Course participant's logbook included detailed comments on each of the broad categories of curriculum resources. Multiple web resources were identified as age-appropriate and educationally relevant for the course participant's students.
20-24 points: Course participant's logbook included general comments on the each of the broad categories of curriculum resources. At least one web resource was identified as age-appropriate and educationally relevant for the course participant's students.
<20 points: Course participant will be asked to revise and resubmit the logbook.

Project 1 (standard-specific resource collection):
25 points possible

25 points: Course participant submitted a bookmarks/favorites list which includes multiple web resources identified in the online research module. All of the web resources were clearly related to the specific content standard identified in module 2 of the course.
20-24 points: Course submitted a bookmarks/favorites list which included multiple web resources identified in the online research module. Most of the web resources were related to the specific content standard identified in module 2 of the course.
<20 points: Course participant will be asked to revise and resubmit the project.


Project 2 (standard-specific lesson plan or curriculum unit):
25 points possible

25 points: Course participant created a lesson or unit plan with clearly addressed the content standard identified in module 2 of the course. Multiple age-appropriate and educationally relevant web resources were integrated into the lesson plan/unit.
20-24 points: Course participant created a lesson plan or unit that addressed the content standard identified in module 2 of the course. At least one age-appropriate and educationally relevant web resource was included in the lesson/unit plan.
<20 points: Course participant will be asked to revise and resubmit the project.


Assignments will be evaluated by the instructor and the course participant’s final grade will be calculated using the following scale:

  • 90 – 100 points: Letter grade of “A”
  • 75 – 89 points: Letter grade of “B” or grade of “Credit”
  • 74 points or below: Grade of “No Credit”
  • Note: Students who enroll in the course for a letter grade will only earn credit for the course if they achieve a letter grade of “A” or “B”.

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Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education
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last update: 1.31.18