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Elementary Curriculum Content Standards

Course participants will explore their State's Elementary Curriculum Content Standards using one or more the following resources:

Education World's State Standards directory provides direct links to all of the 50 state departments of education sites where you will find the content standards for your state.

Education World: State Standards 

Note to Pennsylvania Educators: Use the link below which will take you to the Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards Aligned System website.

SAS- Pennsylvania Department of Education
Standards Aligned System

If your state and/or district has already (or is planning to...) adopt the Common Core Standards, you may use those for this assignment. You will find specific information on the Common Core website at:

Common Core State Standards Initiative

If you are already familiar with a content standards website developed by your school, state or district, you may use that if it is more convenient and/or appropriate.

Later in the course, you will develop two course projects focused on appropriate elementary content standards for your school, district or state.

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Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education
Copyright © 2003-2018 by Bob Jost.  All rights reserved.
last update: 1.31.18