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The TEC 908 course addresses key elements of the EdTechProfile, an assessment instrument developed by the California Department of Education State Educational Technology Service.

Email Skills Checklist

Internet Skills Checklist

While this Profile and these Skills Checklists were developed for California educators they, obviously, have value for educators in other states as well and provide a benchmark for mastery of these important online communication and internet skills. Click the link below if you would like to learn more about the EdTechProfile.


There is most likely a wide range of existing skills among those of you enrolled in this course. On one end of the spectrum are the "digital natives" who may have trouble remembering a time when they didn't use Email and the Internet/Web on a daily basis. On the other end are the "digital immigrants" who first used Email and the Internet/Web in their adult years.

Since so many are self-taught, even regular users of Email and the Internet/Web have gaps in their understanding and proficiencies.

The goal of this course will be to reinforce those skills with which you are already familiar and to introduce and practice those skills with which you are less familiar.

By the end of the course, you should be very comfortable with all of the skills in the Beginning and the Intermediate EdTech Profiles and well on your way to being a Proficient User.



Fresno Pacific University | Center for Professional Development
Copyright © 1997- 2011 by Bob Jost.  All rights reserved.
last revised: 1.7.11