EdTechProfile Internet Skills Checklist



Beginning User:

1. ___ I can launch an Internet browser and use the tool bar.
2. ___ I can access the help feature of an Internet browser to find information on using the browser.
3. ___ I know how to access the history feature to view a list of previously visited websites.
4. ___ I know how to hide and display the toolbar on an Internet browser.
5. ___ I know how to access the Internet through a modem or network connection.
6. ___ I know how to change window sizes in a browser.
7. ___ I know how to point and click to navigate on existing links.
8. ___ I know how to save a web page as a file on my computer.
9. ___ I know how to enter a URL to access or open a specific website.
10. ___ I can explain basic Internet terminology (i.e. HTML, URL, links, download, etc.).
11. ___ I can explain the use of email as a means of communication with others.
12. ___ I can explain how chat, newsgroups, and threaded discussion lists are used to communicate with members of a group.
13. ___ I know how to do a basic keyword search using an Internet browser or electronic reference source.
14. ___ I am aware of issues involving the use of the Internet in the classroom for instruction.
15. ___ I evaluate the information I locate on the Internet for accuracy.
16. ___ I determine if the source of the information I locate on the Internet is credible and unbiased.
17. ___ I am aware of Internet resources that can be used for student learning and/or classroom management.

Intermediate User:

1. ___ I know how to change the settings on an Internet browser tool bar.
2. ___ I know how to refresh or reload a web page in an Internet browser.
3. ___ I can configure preferences for an Internet browser.
4. ___ I can set the home page in an Internet browser.
5. ___ I know how to copy text on a web page and paste it into a document on my computer.
6. ___ I know how to copy graphics on a web page and paste it into a document on my computer.
7. ___ I know how to download files from the Internet to my computer.
8. ___ I know how to access bookmarks in Internet browsers.
9. ___ I can explain the anatomy of a URL.
10. ___ I regularly use email to communicate with others.
11. ___ I regularly use email to communicate with members of a group. (i.e. listserv or personal distribution list)
12. ___ I can explain the differences among a search index, a search engine, and a metasearch tool.
13. ___ I know how to use Boolean logic in a search.
14. ___ I know how to conduct natural language searches.
15. ___ I can explain the issues involving the use of the Internet in the classroom (i.e. AUP, copyright, student safety, classroom management, etc.).
16. ___ I organize the information I access to improve my ability to analyze and interpret the results.
17. ___ When conducting research, I analyze and interpret the information I locate.
18. ___ I filter information for relevancy to the lesson and content.
19. ___ I assess Internet resources to determine if they would be appropriate for integrating into a lesson and/or for classroom management.

Proficient User:

1. ___ I know how to rename and organize links in a web browser Favorites or Personal toolbar.
2. ___ I know how to configure page setup in an Internet browser to print citation resources.
3. ___ I know how to use and manage multiple windows in a browser.
4. ___ I know how to designate the helper applications to be used to open files that I download from the Internet.
5. ___ I know how to export my bookmarks as an html file and open them using another computer or browser.
6. ___ I know how to add or delete a bookmark in an Internet browser.
7. ___ I know how to organize bookmarks into sections and/or folders in an Internet browser.
8. ___ I can troubleshoot URL address errors (i.e. 404 errors) to find the website I am trying to access.
9. ___ I regularly use chat, newsgroups, and threaded discussions lists to communicate with members of a group.
10. ___ I use the Internet and other electronic reference tools as a resource for lesson development.
11. ___ I use the advanced search features of a search index, search engine, metasearch tool, or an electronic reference resource.
12. ___ I use multiple search strategies to locate and validate information.
13. ___ I regularly implement procedures and classroom management techniques addressing Internet use in the classroom for instruction.
14. ___ I incorporate information literacy strategies into lesson design.
15. ___ I use a wide variety of sources such as Internet, electronic reference, and others, when conducting research.
16. ___ I select and implement Internet resources into my classroom lessons.
17. ___ I select and use effective classroom management techniques utilizing Internet resources.