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Virtual Handshakes


This website will serve as the "virtual classroom" of the course. You are about to begin an exciting and innovative educational experience. Technology has provided you with an opportunity to participate in a learning environment that is both unique and convenient. In this virtual classroom you will receive information and be given assignments to help you integrate that information into your teaching.

If you haven't already done so, please read the course website navigation hints before continuing.

In any classroom situation, it is essential that the teacher get to know his/her students as well as possible as soon as possible. As a good teacher, this is an exercise that you undertake at the start of each school year with your new class. You also repeat this exercise throughout the year as new students enroll in your class. The reason for this is simple - as teachers, we need to know any relevant information about our students to help meet their educational needs and to ensure that their time in our classrooms is engaging and motivating.

Although I will not be meeting you personally, I still feel it is important for me to get to know you and understand what you would like to learn from this course. Most teachers will start by introducing themselves to their class and then having individual students tell about themselves. I have published a self-introduction on the course website. This introduction follows the same format that you will use in your first course assignment.

Click here to read my self-introduction.

Note: My self-introduction will open in a new browser window. Click the close box on the new browser window when you finish reading to return to this page.

Proceed to Assignment #1



Fresno Pacific University | School of Professional Studies

Except where otherwise noted, this online course template is
licensed by Bob Jost under a Creative Commons License